gi-geldinstitute reports on EPEC

gi-Geldin­stitute reports on EPEC and the change in payment traffic in Europe

gi-Geldin­stitute, the trade journal for IT, organ­i­sation and commu­ni­cation in credit insti­tu­tions reports on EPEC, the European Payment Expert Consortium for payment trans­ac­tions and its consulting services.

With a view to devel­op­ments and standards in Europe’s payment traffic, three European experts for the standard­i­s­ation of payments have founded the European Payment Expert Consortium (EPEC). Besides the German SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH, these are the French companies ELITT and FrenchSys. SRC reported in the article Frenchsys, Elitt and SRC found the EPayStan­dards Consortium.

The EPEC consortium combines the know-how of three European experts acquired in various standard­i­s­a­tions. EPEC offers consulting services for European payment service providers. Both the harmonised European standards and local specifics are taken into account. The offer covers, among other things, the use of payment standards, imple­men­tation guide­lines, as well as functional and security speci­fi­ca­tions for pan-European solutions for card, mobile and internet payments.

The gi-Geldin­stitute reports on EPEC. The title Der Zahlungsverkehr befindet sich im Wandel. The article describes the environment and upcoming challenges of EPEC.