SRC and DAkkS accred­i­tation according to ISO/IEC EN 17025: An important step towards EUCC

SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH Achieves Signif­icant Milestone: Accred­i­tation by DAkkS

SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH can celebrate another signif­icant achievement: successful accred­i­tation by the Deutsche Akkred­i­tierungsstelle (DAkkS) according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. This step not only under­scores the compe­tence and relia­bility of our Common Criteria (CC) testing laboratory but also prepares us for the intro­duction of the EUCC (European Common Criteria), an important devel­opment in the European cyber­se­curity landscape.

Signif­i­cance of DAkkS Accreditation

Accred­i­tation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 is a clear indication of SRC’s profes­sion­alism and commitment to offering top-notch testing services. It confirms that our CC testing laboratory meets inter­na­tionally recog­nized standards and delivers reliable, consistent results.

Prepa­ration for EUCC

The EUCC repre­sents the European certi­fi­cation scheme based on Common Criteria, aimed at enhancing the security certi­fi­cation of ICT products in Europe. With our DAkkS accred­i­tation, SRC is now well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the EUCC and take a leading role in IT security certi­fi­cation in Europe. The EUCC extends the require­ments of the previous Common Criteria and will funda­men­tally shape future certi­fi­ca­tions in the EU.