Unternehmenstag 2019

Unternehmenstag 2019 — SRC partic­i­pates again!

Unternehmenstag 2019 — The Career Fair for Students and Career Starters

The end of the studies is in sight. The degree is within reach. At the latest now, students and graduates need contact to their future employer. SRC is looking forward to this contact. Two days at the University of Applied Sciences Bonn Rhein-Sieg on the campus in Sankt Augustin. This is where the Unternehmenstag 2019 takes place on 13 and 14 November.

The job fair will be rounded off with a wide range of offers relating to careers and career planning. These include lectures, appli­cation photos, job boards and much more.

Career in IT — SRC provides an insight into exciting areas of responsibility

SRC will also be happy to give students and graduates the oppor­tunity to gain an insight into and exchange views on the diverse topics of IT security at the Unternehmenstag 2019. The SRC experts will explain everyday life and the challenges in the assessment of security-relevant IT technologies. A selection of current topics are, for example, mobile payment methods, artificial intel­li­gence and critical infra­struc­tures. We expect our new colleagues to have a strong instinct for potential sources of error in complex technologies, the compe­tence to find solutions and the assertiveness to represent the results of their work to clients.

Current job offers on our career portal

Whether as a working student in our customer management or as a scanworker in the pentest team — completing diverse and exciting tasks while studying is no problem for us. But also graduates will get what they are looking for — we are looking for pentesters, consul­tants and analysts for different areas in our company.

Students and graduates are welcome to inform themselves in advance on our career portal about vacancies at our company. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have at the Unternehmenstag! You also have the option of submitting your appli­cation documents directly to us on site.


SRC invited to inova 2019

SRC intro­duces the company at the career forum at TU Ilmenau

The inova will take place in October 2019 at the TU Ilmenau in Thueringen. Within the last 20 years, inovail­menau has become one of the most important career forums in Germany. Exclu­sively selected companies can engage in direct dialogue with students and establish contacts. As a selected company, SRC GmbH will be on site in central Germany and will offer inter­ested students an insight into the diverse topics of an IT security company and the corre­sponding career opportunities.

Career in IT? Not only as the ” classical ” computer scientists

Frequently, you meet unsettled students when it comes to “what you want to do with your concrete degree in the future”. Certain occupa­tions in certain sectors, such as IT, struggle with the prejudice of only hosting and hiring the ” classical ” computer scien­tists. However, this is not the case in our industry.

SRC uses inova 2019 to give students at the TU Ilmenau, whose courses of study are strongly charac­terised by engineering science, an insight into and an exchange on the diverse subject areas of IT security. The SRC experts explain the challenges of technology assessment using examples such as mobile payment methods, artificial intel­li­gence and similar topics. This requires a strong instinct for potential sources of error in complex environ­ments, the compe­tence to find solutions and the will to implement them. Especially students with engineering, economic, mathe­matical and scien­tific backgrounds bring these valuable qualities with them.

The inovail­menau 2019

This year’s inovail­menau will take place at the TU Ilmenau from 22 to 23 October 2019, from 10 am to 4 pm. With over 5200 visitors, the inovail­menau is the most important student career forum in central Germany. The number of inter­ested companies is constantly growing, giving the inova team the oppor­tunity to exclu­sively handpick companies. We at SRC GmbH are therefore partic­u­larly pleased to be able to personally get in touch with the students of the TU Ilmenau in October and to inspire them with our company and career oppor­tu­nities. You are welcome to browse through our topics and our career portal in advance — we will be happy to answer any questions in a personal dialogue on site or in advance via our numerous contact options.