Tag Archive for: Cybersecurity

BSI Lagebericht 2023

The BSI Situation Report 2023: Secure Your Business – Discover Our Solutions.”

The latest Situation Report from the Federal Office for Infor­mation Security (BSI) for the year 2023 paints a picture of the German cyber­se­curity landscape that reveals both challenges and calls to action. As digital­ization progresses in all areas of life, the complexity and number of cyber threats are increasing.

Specific IT security threats in 2023

Partic­u­larly, ransomware attacks aimed at encrypting company data and demanding ransoms are becoming more sophis­ti­cated and are affecting not only large corpo­ra­tions but also increas­ingly smaller and medium-sized businesses as well as public institutions.

Another prominent topic of the report is the potential misuse of Artificial Intel­li­gence (AI). With the rapid devel­opment of AI technologies and their appli­ca­tions, new possi­bil­ities for attacks emerge. AI-powered attacks, including deep fakes and manip­u­lated chatbots, represent a serious threat that can undermine not only infor­mation security but also societal stability.

Geopo­litical tensions, especially the conflict in Ukraine, further demon­strate that cyber­at­tacks are increas­ingly being used as a means of warfare and political influence. These devel­op­ments are not limited to state actors but also affect the economy and civil society. The BSI empha­sizes that security in cyber­space is no longer just a matter of technical defense but requires a collective societal effort.

The BSI’s recom­men­dation to strengthen “cyber resilience” reinforces the necessity of being proactive and preventive. This means that companies and author­ities must not only react to attacks but also improve the resilience of their systems in advance.

This is where the expertise of SRC GmbH comes in, a company that specializes in security needs in the digital age.

How SRC can help establish cyber resilience

  • Risk analysis and prevention: SRC offers individual risk analyses to help companies identify and address vulner­a­bil­ities before they can be exploited.
  • Security archi­tecture and design: By designing robust security archi­tec­tures, SRC helps ensure that their clients’ systems can withstand advanced threats.
  • Training and awareness: SRC organizes training for employees to increase awareness of cyber­se­curity and ensure that security policies are under­stood and followed.
  • Regulatory compliance and standards: SRC advises on regulatory require­ments and helps companies meet legal and normative standards.
  • Innovation and technology consulting: With expertise in modern technologies such as blockchain and AI, SRC develops innov­ative solutions that are not only secure but also forward-looking.
  • Emergency planning and response: In the event of a cyber­attack, SRC assists with rapid response and deployment of emergency plans to minimize damage and maintain business operations.

Use the insights from the BSI Situation Report 2023 as a decisive impulse to specif­i­cally review and optimize your cyber­se­curity measures – SRC GmbH is ready to work with you to strengthen critical security areas and build resilience against current and future cyber threats.

IT compliance through the intro­duction of an ISMS

Increasing compliance requirements

“The depen­dency of core and value-added processes on the IT infra­structure and the IT systems operated there is constantly increasing at credit insti­tu­tions. This means that the associated compliance require­ments are also increasing almost to the same extent”. In an article that has just been published on the specialist platform “Security Insider”, SRC expert Dagmar Schoppe explains the different regulatory and legal require­ments that determine the daily business of credit insti­tu­tions and how IT compliance is improved by the intro­duction of an ISMS.

Value creation processes are threatened

The protection of these value-added processes through compliance with regulatory and legal require­ments, e.g. from BAIT, MaRisk or the IT Security Act, is a very topical issue. After all, the danger of hacker attacks is a real and current threat. This is one of the reasons why IT security is one of the central audit focuses of the BaFin. The TIBER-EU programme, which is intended to strengthen the resilience of the financial world against cyber attacks, also aims in this direction.

Holistic infor­mation security management system creates security

For a holistic approach to the protection of corporate values, the various organ­i­sa­tional and technical aspects must be combined into a holistic concept. This leads to the intro­duction of an infor­mation security management system, e.g. on the basis of ISO 27001.

The experts of the SRC division Banking Compliance will gladly advise you on regulatory and legal require­ments and their imple­men­tation, e.g. by intro­ducing an infor­mation security management system (ISMS) or by carrying out TIBER tests. SRC is a member of the Cyber-Alliance.