Intensive seminar (online)
Basic knowledge of IT basics and security measures for non-IT specialists
Bank IT in particular is required to protect sensitive information and data with a high level of security and at the same time make it available to authorised persons. To achieve this, information security officers, data protection officers, IT officers and other bank employees must coordinate closely. Despite different professional backgrounds, a common “language” must be found. To do this, it is advantageous to be able to visualise the conceptual world of IT in the context of its processes and interrelationships. This is the only way to succeed in an interdisciplinary exchange with IT experts about IT security measures and their effects in the company and its diverse internal and external communication structures.
The intensive seminar “Basic knowledge of IT basics and security measures for non-IT experts” provides the necessary knowledge about information technology and security measures. The target group is non-IT specialists in credit institutions.
The speaker Florian Schumann is IT manager at SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH. In this position, he is responsible for the continuous development of IT. He is also a consultant for information security and a qualified auditor according to § 8 (a) BSIG for critical infrastructures.
Module 1: IT terms and basics
- Networks
- Communication media and protocols
- Basic IT security measures in networks
- Basic IT security measures in data centres
- Backup & Restore
- Virtualisation
- Concepts of user administration
Module 2: Encryption
- Symmetrical and asymmetrical procedures
- key management
- Signature
- Authentication (e.g. multi-factor authentication according to PSD2) and integrity assurance
In addition, participants will receive an overview of new technologies and trends, e.g. big data, cloud, artificial intelligence, special features of mobile working / home office. The intensive seminar offers sufficient space to reflect on the upcoming challenges for security.
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Intensive seminar (online)
Basic knowledge of IT basics and security measures for non-IT specialists
on Monday, 15 November 2021, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.