Critical infrastructures and their significance | Critical day 2018 makes an exchange possible
Critical infrastructures (KRITIS) are organisations and facilities of major importance to the public sector, the failure or impairment of which would result in sustainable supply shortages, major public security disruptions or other dramatic consequences. These critical infrastructures are exposed to various dangers. Among other things, there are also various scenarios in which the security of information technology systems in critical infrastructures takes centre stage. The starting point for the conference “Critical Day 2018” with accompanying barcamp.
Professional “networking” with each other
With the aim of establishing personal contacts and stimulating professional exchange, the critical day offers a regular meeting place for people responsible for the protection of critical infrastructures. The target group of the critical day are those people who work in a company or institution that supplies the population with essential goods and services. Furthermore, the critical day addresses people who deal with the topic of critical infrastructures in a practical, advisory, regulatory or scientific way. The first critical day will take place on 25 April 2018 at the SRC Conference Centre with accompanying barcamp. Tickets are now available.
The demand of the Critical Day
The Critical Day aims to provide a world-class platform for representatives of affected companies, the public sector, science and research to network and exchange experiences on developments and best practices in IT and physical security of critical infrastructures. It also plays a role that the participants are encouraged to design the second part of the critical day as a barcamp. A barcamp is an open conference with open workshops, the contents of which are developed by the participants themselves at the beginning of the conference and will be designed in the further course. Barcamps therefore serve the exchange of content and discussion.