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SRC specialist Oberender | 5G Security High Assurance

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As part of the CAST forum hot topic: 5G Security, SRC specialist Oberender will give a presentation on 5G Security High Assurance. The CAST workshop is hosted by BSI unit SZ32 and will take place online on November 11, 2021.

5G technology will define digital life in Germany in the future and thus its security features directly protect the integrity of society and its citizens. The test procedure currently being developed by BSI is to consist of three parts: a test based on the 3GPP defined SECAM Evaluation Methodology TS 33.916, which is being refined at BSI as a Technical Guideline. Possible further tests will use the Accelerated Security Certification (ESC) and the Common Criteria (CC) certification scheme. The security assessor’s perspective here is quite unique. SRC has extensive experience in all testing methods and will provide insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the testing methods with regard to the testing of 5G and 6G communication platforms in this presentation. Dr. Jens Oberender presents the different test methods SECAM, BSZ and CC for the approval of 5G security and discusses their objectives and focus.

Mobile networks in Germany are currently entering their next evolutionary stage with 5G technology. This process is accompanied by security requirements and related certification activities. Germany needs secure and sovereign infrastructures for communications. Security features such as reliability and availability are essential factors for Germany’s economic development. The CAST workshop hot topic: 5G-Security provides an overview and outlook on the current status of 5G-Security and its future development.

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Patrick Schulze
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