As experts for IT security, we at SRC know that levels of protection are essential in the digitalization of industry and society. The experts from the industry will present the security concepts required for this at the annual OMNISECURE. As a partner of OMNISECURE, SRC traditionally enriches the discourse on these topics with the knowledge we have gathered in many projects. The OMNISECURE will take place in Berlin from 20 – 22 January 2020.
Electronic identification and the security required for it are one of the overarching topics at SRC and at the same time the core topic of the event. For SRC, the OMNISECURE provides an important platform for the cross-industry exchange of knowledge and experience with experts, specialists and executives from business, politics, public administration and science.
As a partner of OMNISECURE, SRC makes its contribution to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of new applications, hazards and solutions, technology trends, progress or delays in well-known, trend-setting projects. Ideas and relevant legislative projects are discussed in the same way as failures, from which one can always learn. The OMNISECURE offers a wealth of food for thought and encounters with renowned experts. It is not unusual for the foundation stones for future projects and decisions to be laid here.
We at SRC are looking forward to two rich days and to the varied and rich discussions with experts and customers.