The NextGenPSD2 standard of the Berlin Group
In the context of the six-week public market consultation of the Berlin Group on its NextGenPSD2 standard for account access “Access to Accounts” (XS2A), which enables third parties to access payment accounts within the framework of the provisions of the revised EU directive for payment services (PSD2), SRC GmbH is also hosting a NextGenPSD2 conference. This will take place on October 25, 2017 in Deutsche Bank’s Atrium in Berlin. The conference offers a detailed program that shows how NextGenPSD2 builds a bridge into the banking system and reduces the complexity of the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and the requirements for access to accounts (XS2A). It also highlights how Third Party Payment Service Providers (TPPs) can provide innovative solutions for customers using modern application programming interfaces (APIs) for secure access to bank accounts.
Change in payment transactions
The conference offers experienced specialists, developers, FinTechs, banks, processors and other experts involved in the PSD2 standard an excellent opportunity to learn in detail how NextGenPSD2 will change daily payment transactions in the coming years. A variety of policy insiders, experts and stakeholders will provide information on the background, goals and details of the open and collaborative NextGenPSD2 XS2A API standard. Accordingly, the meeting offers a great opportunity for a comprehensive explanation of the topic and to clarify open questions. The conference will also be honoured with an insightful keynote opening speech by the European Central Bank and offers several panel discussions with banks, regulators, FinTechs and consumer organisations.
Networking in Microsoft Lounge and Digital Eatery
The conference also offers exceptional networking opportunities: On the evening of 24 October 2017 (from 6 p.m.), the Microsoft Lounge and Digital Eatery will open their doors to the participants and provide access to a get-together event with delicious cuisine and refreshing drinks at no extra cost.