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Payment 2030 – The study on the future of payment in Germany

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With the support of Z_Punkt – The Foresight Company, SRC has prepared the study Payment 2030. This study deals with the future of payment in Germany. It is the continuation of the study on Payment 2025 initiated in 2015. Besides updating the scenarios considered in 2015, the study primarily examines options for action for account-holding institutions that arise with regard to the payment process of the future. The basis for this is a comprehensive analysis of the trends and developments already emerging today.

The study Payment 2030 addresses many questions: In what way have the relevant framework conditions changed compared to the previous study? How can account-holding institutions react to new market participants? What do innovative solutions in payment traffic look like? What new revenue sources and value-added services are conceivable? And what opportunities and necessities for cooperation with partners within and outside the banking industry will arise in order to be prepared for “Payments 2030″?

Numerous experts from the banking industry, retail and technology providers were involved in the preparation of the study. In this way, the horizon of the study was broadened and a broad spectrum of potential developments was covered.

SRC provides you with the study Payment 2030 free of charge. Please understand the study as an invitation for dialogue. Therefore, we are looking forward to your comments, questions and suggestions. Please write to us at

The study is available for download free of charge in German and English. Print copies are only available in German. They can be requested free of charge by stating the shipping address.

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Transfer- und Perspektivworkshops

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  • The key findings of the study Payment 2030
  • Discursive examination of the proposed strategic directions and recommendations.
  • Valuable impulses and orientation for your strategy development.

This workshop is a joint offer by SRC Security Research & Consulting and Z_punkt The Foresight Company.

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Press contact:
Patrick Schulze
WORDFINDER GmbH & CO. KG Lornsenstraße 128–130 22869 Schenefeld