Together with the French partners Frenchsys and Elitt, SRC founds the EPayStandards Consortium, a cooperation to expand the consulting and support of international customers in the European payment traffic.
As a subsidiary of Cartes Bancaires, Frenchsys significantly supports the technical and functional specifications as well as the integration in the French acquirer market.
Elitt focuses its activities on the development of test case catalogs and test tools for terminals. Elitt also stands for innovative payment solutions.
SRC supports development and maintenance of the German girocard system. This includes the creation of functional and security specifications for all system components involved. Also the conception of innovative solutions for mobile payment is part of SRC’s service spectrum.
All three companies know the world of payment transactions as essential carriers of European standardization initiatives such as nexo, CPACE and the Berlin Group.
The EPayStandards consortium gives the international market for payment transactions access to bundled technical and strategic consulting services. The cornerstone of the cooperation is laid with workshops for customers with cross-border operations such as terminal manufacturers and processing service providers.
In recent years, the European standards for payment transaction terminals have developed further. This offers opportunities especially for internationally active acceptors to harmonize their terminal infrastructures across borders. SRC and Frenchsys contribute detailed knowledge of these new standards and the two largest European payment transaction markets and systems. Elitt completes the cooperation with its expertise in the technical preparation of implementations and certifications. Thus, the international market for payment transactions benefits from the combination of the strengths of the consortium partners.
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