BAIT-Compliance: Use of an Information Security Officer (ISB)
The German Banking Act (KWG) and MaRisk require banks to ensure the integrity, availability, authenticity and confidentiality of data in their IT systems and processes. However, secure and efficient IT is also essential for the economic success of a bank. The new “Banking Supervision Requirements for IT” (BAIT) formulate concrete expectations. Among other things, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) is calling for the newly created function “Information Security Officer for Credit Institutions” (ISB) in its guideline. They control the information security process and report directly to the management.
6th Certificate Course “Information Security Officer (ISB) for Credit Institutions
In cooperation with Bank-Verlag, SRC has already successfully completed five certificate courses on “Information Security Officer (ISB) for Credit Institutions”. After the great response and the continuing demand, we are pleased that Bank-Verlag has made another date possible for this four-day certificate course.
From 19 to 22 November 2019, you will once again have the opportunity to receive further training as an “Information Security Officer (ISB) for Credit Institutions” on the premises of Bank-Verlag GmbH in Cologne.
Training by skilled experts
In cooperation with Heinrich Lottmann (TARGOBANK AG & Co. KGaA) and Alexandros Manakos (HSBC Germany) the SRC experts Sandro Amendola, Florian Schumann and Dr. Deniz Ulucay will give lectures. In this course, the experts inform you comprehensively about the norms and standards according to ISO and IT-Grundschutz, as well as about all legal/regulatory requirements relevant to you as an ISB. In addition, the topics IT Risks and Emergency Prevention as well as Business Continuity Management are dealt with.
After passing the final examination, you will receive the certificate “Information Security Officer for Credit Institutions”.
Optionally, you have the opportunity to acquire the basic IT knowledge required for the course in a one-day intensive seminar in Cologne on 18 November 2019 prior to the event. This course deals with the basics, terms, encryption and IT security techniques in information technology.
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