SmartCard Workshop

SmartCard Workshop on 21 and 22 February 2018 in Darmstadt

Focus of the SmartCard Workshop

The SmartCard Workshop will take place on 21 and 22 February 2018 in Darmstadt. It is one of the most important events for smart cards in Germany. The partic­i­pants come from all areas of industry, science and politics. They partic­u­larly appre­ciate the technical orien­tation of the workshop and its extensive neutrality. The workshop offers partic­i­pants and experts a forum to present new operating system concepts and conceivable new features and appli­ca­tions, as well as to discuss the current state of devel­opment, cryptog­raphy, infor­mation security and standardization.

SRC expert explains authen­ti­cation procedures

This year, SRC expert Sandro Amendola will give a presen­tation on security-related and regulatory issues in the “Regis­tration of App-based authen­ti­cation proce­dures”. Such authen­ti­cation methods play an important role in many digital appli­ca­tions and have become very important for all users of online banking systems, especially due to the regulation of the banking market by the PSD2.

Evening event with award ceremony

A special highlight is the evening event. Each year, one expert is honored with the SmartCard prize for special achieve­ments. The prize is donated by Fraun­hofer SIT.

SRC actively partic­i­pates in SmartCard Workshop

SRC supports the workshop as sponsor and through active partic­i­pation in the Programme Advisory Board.

Image source: Fraun­hofer SIT