Bezahlen 2025

Paying in 2025 — Scenarios for the future of payment systems in Germany

A study by SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH with profes­sional support from Z_punkt The Foresight Company and Fraun­hofer INT (orig. “Bezahlen 2025 — Szenarien zur Zukunft der Zahlungssysteme in Deutschland).

Instant payments, the digiti­sation of shopping, stricter regulation, payment releases — and account infor­mation services — it is already clear today that these issues will have a major impact on the world of payment in the future. How exactly these factors are designed and used, however, depends decisively on drivers whose influence can be predicted much less reliably:

How strong are the Fintechs? What role do the Internet giants want to play? Do customers accept new payment methods? What authen­ti­cation methods are available? What about the willingness to cooperate within the banking industry?

The study “Paying in 2025 — Scenarios for the future of payment systems in Germany” therefore does not predict the “one” true future. Rather, an expert survey and several rounds of experts identified those factors that will probably have the greatest impact on the future of payment in the next decade.
Building on this, various consistent future scenarios have been developed that help to form a concrete picture of what payment could look like in ten years’ time. The aim of the study is to provide decision-makers in payment trans­ac­tions with support in analysing the oppor­tu­nities and challenges of the future payment trans­ac­tions landscape.

Download the SRC study “Paying in 2025”

The website of Z_punkt The Foresight Company and Fraun­hofer Institut for Scien­tific and Technical Trend Analyses INT can be reached via z‑ or