IT Security Congress 2019

IT-Security Congress 2019 — Arne Schönbohm welcomes SRC

The IT-Security Congress 2019 again offered SRC the platform for dialogues with manufac­turers, partners and repre­sen­ta­tives of public author­ities. The motto of the event was “IT security as a prereq­uisite for successful digiti­zation”. The topics are as varied as the visitors: artificial intel­li­gence and its fields of appli­cation, Common Criteria certi­fi­ca­tions of micro-kernel operating systems and profes­sional perspec­tives for scien­tists and computer scien­tists at SRC. Almost all SRC services were in demand at the stand, whether penetration tests, consulting and certi­fi­cation of infor­mation security management systems or support for product manufac­turers in evalu­a­tions according to Common Criteria.

Sandro Amendola’s lecture at the IT-Security Congress 2019, entitled “Legal Security Require­ments for Payment Proce­dures for Customer Authen­ti­cation Using Mobile Devices”, was widely discussed. The high pace of innovation on the one hand and the parallel devel­opment of regulatory require­ments on the other hand provide continuous material for discus­sions and forecasts of future trends.

The host of the IT-Security Congress 2019, the Federal Office for Infor­mation Security (BSI) (see photo), also stopped by our stand. Thilo Pannen is respon­sible for Business Devel­opment at SRC. “We at SRC are delighted that we have been able to support the BSI for many years with a range of experts,” said Thilo Pannen in his welcoming address. The extensive discussion with BSI President Arne Schönbohm touched all aspects of the extensive cooper­ation with the BSI. Be it the prepa­ration of studies, the support in the various BSI projects or the work of SRC as a BSI-recog­nized testing laboratory. In its function as a testing laboratory, SRC does not only assess according to Common Criteria. The require­ments for the technical domains “Smart­cards and similar Devices” and “Hardware Devices with Security Boxes” are also fulfilled by SRC.
Such extensive and complex cooper­ation in such a dynamic environment requires constant adaptation of the processes. “If we at BSI can contribute to further good cooper­ation, please let me know,” said the BSI President at the end of his visit to the SRC stand.