
Despite Corona — the support of SRC is certain!

The corona virus has reached our everyday life. The pandemic is directing our focus on what is now the most important thing: the protection of the health, safety and well-being of our employees, our partners, customers and families.

The vast majority of our employees use the oppor­tunity to work from home; some are available at the locations to sign, receive mail and much more.

In the relatively short period of time it has already become apparent that the staff of SRC is very committed to ensure the conti­nuity of the opera­tional processes.

Especially in these difficult times, we pay special attention to the concerns of our customers. We are still in a position to support our customers, some of whom operate urgently needed critical infra­struc­tures, compre­hen­sively and with a maximum of flexi­bility. We will continue to meet our great respon­si­bility and oblig­ation towards our customers in these times.

Even if many of us are not at the SRC locations: We are still available for you via the usual commu­ni­cation channels.

We continue to do what we are good at.

As an alter­native to on-site appoint­ments we have, for example, developed proce­dures for remote support. We can …

  • conduct consul­ta­tions and inter­views in the form of telephone conferences,
  • Check system settings using web conferences,
  • Carry out on-site inspec­tions using video transmissions.

Please contact your contact person at SRC in order to coordinate the concrete procedure.

We at SRC are convinced that we will learn from the experi­ences of this situation for our future. We will emerge strengthened from this crisis.

Please pay attention to the health of your fellow men and families.