Critical Day

Critical Day 2018 | on April 25, 2018, critical infra­structure operators meet at SRC

Critical infra­struc­tures and their signif­i­cance | Critical day 2018 makes an exchange possible 

Critical infra­struc­tures (KRITIS) are organ­i­sa­tions and facil­ities of major impor­tance to the public sector, the failure or impairment of which would result in sustainable supply shortages, major public security disrup­tions or other dramatic conse­quences. These critical infra­struc­tures are exposed to various dangers. Among other things, there are also various scenarios in which the security of infor­mation technology systems in critical infra­struc­tures takes centre stage. The starting point for the conference “Critical Day 2018” with accom­pa­nying barcamp.

Profes­sional “networking” with each other

With the aim of estab­lishing personal contacts and stimu­lating profes­sional exchange, the critical day offers a regular meeting place for people respon­sible for the protection of critical infra­struc­tures. The target group of the critical day are those people who work in a company or insti­tution that supplies the population with essential goods and services. Furthermore, the critical day addresses people who deal with the topic of critical infra­struc­tures in a practical, advisory, regulatory or scien­tific way. The first critical day will take place on 25 April 2018 at the SRC Conference Centre with accom­pa­nying barcamp. Tickets are now available.

The demand of the Critical Day

The Critical Day aims to provide a world-class platform for repre­sen­ta­tives of affected companies, the public sector, science and research to network and exchange experi­ences on devel­op­ments and best practices in IT and physical security of critical infra­struc­tures. It also plays a role that the partic­i­pants are encouraged to design the second part of the critical day as a barcamp. A barcamp is an open conference with open workshops, the contents of which are developed by the partic­i­pants themselves at the beginning of the conference and will be designed in the further course. Barcamps therefore serve the exchange of content and discussion.