Certificate Course “Infor­mation Security Officer for Credit Insti­tu­tions” — November 16 to 19, 2021

The German Banking Act (KWG) and MaRisk require banks to ensure the integrity, avail­ability, authen­ticity and confi­den­tiality of data in their IT systems and processes. But secure and efficient IT is also absolutely essential for the economic success of a credit institution.

The new “Banking Super­visory Require­ments for IT” (BAIT) formulate concrete expec­ta­tions. Among other things, the Federal Financial Super­visory Authority calls for the newly estab­lished function of “infor­mation security officer” in its directive. This officer controls the infor­mation security process and reports directly to the management.

In cooper­ation with the publishing house Bank-Verlag, SRC has success­fully completed multiple certificate courses to become an “Infor­mation Security Officer (ISB) for credit insti­tu­tions” since 2016. After the great response and the continuing demand, we are pleased that the Bank-Verlag has made another date for this four-day certificate course possible.

From 16th to 19th November 2021, you will again have the oppor­tunity to train as an “Infor­mation Security Officer (ISB) for Credit Insti­tu­tions” on the premises of Bank-Verlag GmbH in Cologne.

Attention! Online-course

Taking into account the current Covid-19 situation, we offer both the certificate course Infor­mation Security Officer (ISB) for credit insti­tu­tions and the optional basic IT seminar as an online course.

In a team with Heinrich Lottmann (TARGOBANK AG & Co. KGaA) and Alexandros Manakos (HSBC Germany), the SRC experts Dagmar Schoppe, Florian Schumann and Dr. Deniz Ulucay will give a lecture and provide you with compre­hensive infor­mation on the norms and standards according to ISO and IT-Grund­schutz, as well as on all legal/regulatory require­ments relevant for you as an ISB. In addition, the topics of IT risks and emergency precau­tions as well as business conti­nuity management will be addressed.

After passing the final exami­nation, you will receive the certificate “Infor­mation Security Officer for Credit Institutions”.

Optionally, you have the oppor­tunity to acquire the basic IT knowledge required for the course in a one-day intensive seminar on 15 November 2021 in Cologne prior to the event. This seminar deals with the basics, terms, encryption and IT security techniques in infor­mation technology.