BSI publishes CC certifi­cates of connectors in the healthcare sector

Within the framework of the gematik telem­atics infra­structure, a connector coordi­nates and encrypts the commu­ni­cation between the client system, eGK, HBA/SMC and the central telem­atics infra­structure. It thus repre­sents the link between these compo­nents on the decen­tralised service provider side and the central telem­atics infrastructure.

A connector fulfils security require­ments that have been laid down in corre­sponding protection profiles.

The connector in product type version 3 comprises the following components:

  • the network connector,
  • the appli­cation connector including a signature application,
  • the specialised modules “Versicherten­stam­m­daten­man­agement” (VSDM), “Notfall­daten­man­agement” (NFDM) and “Arneimitteltherapiesicherheit/elektr. Medika­tion­splan” (AMTS/eMP).

SRC has success­fully evaluated the network and appli­cation connector in product type version 3 of the company Research Indus­trial Systems Engineering (RISE) Forschungs‑, Entwick­lungs- und Großpro­jek­t­ber­atung GmbH. The certifi­cates BSI-DSZ-CC-1052-V3-2021 and BSI-DSZ-CC-1132–2021 have been published by the BSI.

In addition SRC has success­fully evaluated the network and appli­cation connector in product type version 3 of the company secunet Security Networks AG. The certifi­cates BSI-DSZ-CC-1044-V3-2020 and BSI-DSZ-CC-1135–2020 have been published by the BSI.

For questions about Common Criteria or other evalu­a­tions, please contact us.