SRC has been offering comprehensive services for smart cards in electronic payment transactions since its foundation. In addition to the creation of application specifications and testing, this also includes the security investigation of smart cards.
SRC is recognized by the leading international payment systems. SRC conducts security assessments for EMVCo, VISA Chip Security Program (VCSP), MasterCard Compliance Assessment & Security Testing (CAST), American Express, Discover, and Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft (DK).
Our competence “Chip cards for payment transactions”
As our customer, you can benefit directly from this multitude of recognitions. We support you in submitting a once successfully evaluated product for certification to further international organizations – according to your needs.
As part of the evaluations of smart cards for electronic payments, SRC reviews the design and implementation. SRC’s in-house hardware lab subjects products to extensive penetration testing based on state-of-the-art side-channel analysis (SPA/DPA) and invasive attacks such as light attacks, as specified by the standards.
As a manufacturer, you benefit from the fact that SRC knows the contact persons at the various payment systems very well due to the large number of evaluations that have already been carried out and that SRC participates in test center meetings of the payment systems – this means that we are informed about current developments at an early stage and can exert a formative influence.
Our offer
Thanks to our extensive experience in the evaluation of chip cards for payment transactions, we can competently assist you as a manufacturer in testing them. SRC offers manufacturers to test smart cards for security in advance of certification (pre-evaluation) to avoid possible delays in acceptance by payment systems.