Are you looking for a trustworthy partner for the preparation of Gematik security assessments?
SRC GmbH is a leading independent company in the field of IT security and consulting services. Our team of highly qualified experts supports you in securing your IT systems and in complying with legal and regulatory requirements.
We specialize in the assessment and certification of products and services in the healthcare sector, particularly in the area of telematics infrastructure. On this page, you can learn more about our comprehensive services, including product appraisals, safety appraisals, and consulting services for regulated and non-regulated healthcare settings.
Let our experts help you develop and certify your digital healthcare solutions and benefit from our many years of experience.
Security expertise telematics infrastructure
Products and operating services in the telematics infrastructure must meet various requirements in terms of functionality, interoperability and security in order to be approved by gematik GmbH.
As proof of safety-related suitability, gematik requires a safety report for numerous approvals.
As part of the preparation of a security assessment in accordance with the gematik security suitability test guideline (gemRL_PruefSichEig_DS), the independent security assessors test and evaluate the implementation of the requirements relevant to the approval object.
Many of the services and products approved by gematik today, including popular services such as the electronic patient record, the e-prescription, the central IDP service, KIM, Basis- and KTR-Consumer or the high-speed connector, have been assessed by our highly qualified security experts, who have been confirmed by gematik. Benefit from our many years of experience, dating back to the beginnings of the telematics infrastructure.
We are also happy to prepare safety reports for your products and operational services and accompany you with our experience through approval.