Secure operation of healthcare appli­ca­tions in the cloud: a review of DMEA 2024

DMEA 2024 was once again an impressive platform for innovation and exchange in the healthcare sector. One of our highlights was the panel discussion on the secure operation of healthcare appli­ca­tions in the cloud, in which our colleague Dr. Jens Putzka, together with experts such as Tim Ohlendorf from gematik GmbH and Jonatan Reiners from kreuzw­erker, provided in-depth insights into current challenges and solutions. 

Focus on challenges and solutions

During the discussion, various challenges associated with the operation of healthcare appli­ca­tions in the cloud were addressed. Data protection, data security and compliance with regula­tions are just some of the critical issues that need to be considered when devel­oping and imple­menting such applications. 

Daten­schutz und Datensicherheit

A central point of the discussion was data protection. Health data is partic­u­larly sensitive and must be handled with the utmost care. The experts empha­sized the need for strict security protocols and encryption methods to ensure that data is protected during trans­mission and storage. 

Compliance with regulations

Compliance with legal require­ments and regula­tions, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is another challenge. Tim Ohlendorf from gematik GmbH explained gematik’s role in ensuring that healthcare appli­ca­tions comply with these regula­tions and how they help to set standards for the industry. 

Innov­ative solutions

One of the most exciting innova­tions presented is the concept of confi­dential computing. This technology makes it possible to process data in a secure, isolated environment, signif­i­cantly improving security and confi­den­tiality even in cloud environments. 

Confi­dential Computing

Jonatan Reiners from kreuzw­erker explained how confi­dential computing works and how it can be used to protect sensitive healthcare data. By using secure hardware and special encryption techniques, data can be shielded during processing, which minimizes the risk of data leaks and unautho­rized access. 

Conclusion and thank you

The panel discussion at DMEA 2024 clearly showed that the secure operation of healthcare appli­ca­tions in the cloud poses both challenges and innov­ative solutions. Die Experten­runde bot wertvolle Einblicke und praktische Ansätze, die die Zukunft der digitalen Gesundheit sicherer und effizienter gestalten können. A big thank you goes to gematik for the invitation and the excellent organi­zation of the event. For all those who were unable to be in Berlin, the full video of the discussion is available online.